Query correct data from the MS SQL Server 2005 (2008) database to fill the treeview
declare @t table ( ID int, Parent_ID int, Name varchar(255))
insert into @t (ID, Parent_ID, Name)
select NULL, NULL, 'Something 1' union all
select 1, NULL, 'Something 1' union all
select 2, NULL, 'Something 2' union all
select 8, 3, 'Something 3' union all
select 3, 1, 'Something 3' union all
select 4, 1, 'Something 4' union all
select 5, 2, 'Something 5' union all
select 6, 2, 'Something 6' union all
select 7, 6, 'Something 7'
;with c(ID, Parent_ID, newName)
select ID, Parent_ID, convert(varchar(255),STR(ISNULL(ID,0)))
from @t
where ISNULL(Parent_ID,0) = 0
union all
select t.ID, t.Parent_ID, convert(varchar(255), c.newName + ' - ' + convert(varchar(255),STR(ISNULL(t.ID,0))))
from @t t
inner join c on t.Parent_ID = c.ID
select * from c order by newName
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