[QUOTE Alexandr Ardash]Теперь хочется заставить работать с веб сервисом используя SSL соединение, IIS настроен, сертивифаты сгенерированы и установлены, доступ к содержимому защищенного узла есть непосредственно из броузера - есть, но из клиенской части программы никак...[/QUOTE]
Данный вопрос выходит за рамки простой статьи, так как для большинства бизнес - приложений достаточно простого шифрования данных.
Если Вы хотите использовать SSL, то Вам ничего не надо менять в Ваших программах, так как эта ответственность ложится на IIS а SOAP просто использует протокол HTTP(S).
Далее я просто отсылаю Вас к SOAP Toolkit 3.0 HELP:
Building Secure Web Services
The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) standard does not define security, leaving it for the transport layer to handle. The transport layer for the Microsoft® SOAP Toolkit 3.0 is HTTP. SOAP applications using HTTP are web applications like any other ASP or ISAPI application running on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Therefore, the mechanisms used in web applications for authentication, authorization, and encryption also apply to SOAP applications. If you are familiar with web security in general, then you already know about implementing security in SOAP applications.
If you are not familiar with the XML web services security issues, there are several articles in the MSDN library at the Microsoft Web Site
Of particular interest are the following:
"Authentication and Authorization"
"Defending Your Web Service Against Hackers", Parts I and II
"How to Secure Web Services with SSL"
"Building Secure Web Services with Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 2.0"
This topic and its subtopics provide guidelines (and related step-by-step instructions) for creating secure web services using the SOAP Toolkit. It is assumed that you are familiar with the SOAP toolkit and have already implemented various sample applications provided in the documentation. This topic uses DocSample1, to implement various security mechanisms. Therefore you must have implemented DocSample1 before you proceeding. To test the client- and server-side certificates, you must have the DocSample1 client and server on two different computers. DocSample1 with the You will be updating DocSample1 to implement security measures in both the web service and client applications.
Note The step-by-step instructions provided in the subtopics are based on Microsoft® Windows XP (IIS 5.1) client and Microsoft® Windows 2000 SP2 (IIS 5.0) server.If you are using earlier version of the operating system, you may find that some of the steps have to be adjusted slightly.
These are the subtopics that help you understand security in web services created using SOAP Toolkit.
Securing Service by Enabling Connections Through SSL
Securing Web Service Using Various Authentication Methods
Communicating Through Proxy Servers